What Is Cross-Cultural Psychology?
Our Minds Drew Bartkiewicz Our Minds Drew Bartkiewicz

What Is Cross-Cultural Psychology?

This article discusses the history of cross-cultural psychology, different types of cross-cultural psychology, and applications of this field. It also discusses the impact it has had on the understanding of human psychology.

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Distraction Addiction
Our Minds Drew Bartkiewicz Our Minds Drew Bartkiewicz

Distraction Addiction

Have you ever spent an hour or more scrolling through numerous feeds on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok or Twitter and realized you just wasted time again by not tapping your mind with one original thought nor one real emotion along the way?

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Albrecht's Four Types of Stress
Our Minds Drew Bartkiewicz Our Minds Drew Bartkiewicz

Albrecht's Four Types of Stress

Stress comes in many shapes and forms, and it affects people in different ways. But if you understand the most common types of stress, and know how to spot them, you can become better at managing any stresses you face.

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