5 Reasons to Hire a Veteran Today


Today and everyday, we are grateful for the men and women that have contributed their services and risked their lives to protect our country. However venerated as their positions are, it can often be difficult for veterans to find work as they transition back into civilian life. With a natural drive and unparalleled skills and experience, veterans are a great asset to any team. This year, consider honoring a veteran by giving them an opportunity.

Here are a few benefits of hiring a veteran:

1. Natural Leadership

Military members are trained to be leaders from the day they enter service. In a variety of high-pressure situations, they were required to make decisions fast and for the benefit of their mission. Therefore, if your firm is fast-paced and high-pressure, a veteran employee would be an ideal fit.

2. Strong Work Ethic

Laziness doesn’t cut it in the military, so those returning won’t think twice about putting in the extra effort to get the job done. Veterans are also accustomed to working long and unconventional hours — perfect for companies that regularly deal with last-minute deadlines and quick turnaround projects.

3. Education & Training

To make finding a career easier upon returning stateside, many veterans complete special training or education courses that focus on a specific skill set, usually technology. This additional education means employers can obtain highly knowledgeable employees without paying for training.

4. Paid Relocation

When a new employee has to relocate for his or her job, the company is often responsible for moving expenses. Veterans who move for a job get their expenses covered by a government relocation assistance program – potentially saving the employer thousands of dollars.

5. Tax Credits

Perhaps the biggest financial perk of hiring a veteran — aside from the profit their efficiency will bring — is the tax credit provided to employers. Companies that hire short- or long-term unemployed veterans may receive a Returning Heroes Tax Credit, while those that employ veterans with service-related disabilities may receive a Wounded Warriors Tax Credit. Both credits can dramatically reduce the taxes paid on salaries, saving employers anywhere between $2,400 and $9,600 per hire.

The next time you need to hire a new employee, don’t stop your search with general applicants. Include a sentence in your job listing that encourages veterans to apply, and post on veteran-oriented sites as well. You’ll get a great set of applicants and will already know that they have a strong skill set are are capable of managing themselves under any type of pressure – exactly the type of employee every employer needs.

by Maya Szydlowski


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