Roman Religion: Beliefs, Practices, And Institutions

The earliest divinities

The early Romans, like other Italians, worshiped not only purely functional and local forces but also certain high gods. Chief among them was the sky god Jupiter, whose cult, at first limited to the communities around the Alban Hills, later gained Rome as an adherent. The Romans gave Jupiter his own priest (flamen), and the fact that there were two other senior flamines, devoted to Mars and Quirinus, confirms other indications that the cults of these three deities, envisaged perhaps in some sort of association, belonged to a very early stratum (though the theory of their correspondence to the three-class social division of the early Indo-European-speaking peoples is generally unacceptable). Mars, whose name may or may not be Indo-European, was a high god of many Italian peoples, as liturgical bronze tablets found at Iguvium (Gubbio), the Tabulae Iguvinae (c. 200–c. 80 BC), confirm, protecting them in war and defending their agriculture and animals against disease. Later, he was identified with the Greek god of war, Ares, and also was regarded as the father of Romulus. Mars Gradivus presided over the beginning of a war and Mars Quirinus over its end, but earlier Quirinus had apparently, as a separate deity, been the patron of the Quirinal village before its amalgamation with the Palatine; subsequently he was believed to have been the god that Romulus became when he ascended into heaven.

Two other forces that belong to an early phase were Janus and Vesta, the powers of the door and hearth, respectively. Janus, who had no Greek equivalent, was worshiped beside the Forum in a small shrine with double doors at either end and originated either from a divine power that regulated the passage over running water or rather, perhaps, from sacred doorways like those found on the art of Bronze Age Mycenae. Janus originally stood for the magic of the door of a private house or hut and later became a part of the state religion. The gates of his temple were formally closed when the state was at peace, a custom going back to the primitive war magic that required armies to march out to battle by this properly sanctified route. Vesta, too, passed from the home to the state, always retaining a circular temple reminiscent of the primitive huts whose form can be reconstructed from traces left in the earth and from surviving funerary urns. Vesta’s shrine contained the eternal fire, but the absence of a statue indicates that it preceded the anthropomorphic period; its correspondence with the Indian garhapatya, “house-father’s fire,” suggest an origin prior to the time of the differentiation of the Indo-European-speaking peoples. The cultic site just outside the area of the primitive Palatine settlement indicates that there had been a form of fire worship even earlier than Vesta’s (dedicated to the deity Caca) on the Palatine itself. The cult of Vesta, tended by her Virgins, continued to flourish until the end of antiquity, endowed with an important role in the sacred protectorship of Rome.

Two-headed Janus, who sees forward and backward, a personification of the month of January; Romanesque high-relief stone sculpture, in the Museo del Duomo, Ferrara, Italy.SCALA/Art Resource, New York

Two-headed Janus, who sees forward and backward, a personification of the month of January; Romanesque high-relief stone sculpture, in the Museo del Duomo, Ferrara, Italy.

SCALA/Art Resource, New York

The Di Manes, collective powers (later “spirits”) of the dead, may mean “the good people,” an anxious euphemism like the Greek name of “the kindly ones” for the Furies. As a member of the family or clan, however, the dead man or woman would, more specifically, be one of the Di Parentes; reverence for ancestors was the core of Roman religious and social life. Di Indigetes was a name given collectively to these forebears, as well as to other deified powers or spirits who likewise controlled the destiny of Rome. For example, the name Indiges is applied to Aeneas, whose mythical immigration from Troy led to the eventual foundation of the city. According to an inscription of the 4th century BC (found at Tor Tignosa, 15 miles south of Rome), Aeneas is also called Lar, which indicates that the Lares, too, were originally regarded as divine ancestors and not as deities who presided over the farmland. The Lares were worshiped wherever properties adjoined, and inside every home their statuettes were placed in the domestic shrine (lararium). Under state control they moved from boundaries of properties to crossroads (where Augustus eventually associated his own genius with the cult) and were worshiped as the guardian spirits of the whole community (Lares Praestites). The cult of the Di Penates likewise moved from house to state. From very early times the Penates, the powers that ensured that there was enough to eat, were worshiped in every home. They also came to be regarded as national protectors, the Penates Publici. Originally they were synonymous with the Dioscuri. The legend that they had been brought to Italy by Aeneas with his followers from Troy was imported from Lavinium (Pratica di Mare) when the early Romans incorporated that town into their own state.

The divinities of the later Regal period

Two other deities whose Roman cults tradition attributed to the period of the kings were Diana and Fors Fortuna. Diana, an Italian wood goddess worshiped at Aricia (Ariccia) in Latium and prayed to by women who wanted children, was in due course identified with the Greek Artemis. Her temple on the Aventine Hill (c. 540 BC) with its statue, an imitation of a Greek model from Massilia (Marseille), was based on the Temple of Artemis of Ephesus. By establishing such a sanctuary, the Roman monarch Servius Tullius hoped to emulate the Pan-Ionian League among the Latin peoples. Fors Fortuna, whose temple across the Tiber from the city was one of the few that slaves could attend, was similar to the oracular shrines of Fortuna at Antium (Anzio) and Praeneste (Palestrina). Originally a farming deity, she eventually represented luck. She came to be identified with Tyche, the patroness of cities and goddess of Fortune among the Hellenistic Greeks.

In Roman tradition, Servius Tullius reigned between two Etruscan kings, Tarquinius Priscus and Tarquinius Superbus. The Etruscan kings began and perhaps finished the most important Roman temple, devoted to the cult of the Capitoline Triad, Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva (the dedication was believed to have taken place in 509 or 507 BC after the expulsion of the Etruscans). Such triads, housed in temples with three chambers (cellae), were an Etruscan institution. But the grouping of these three Roman deities seems to be owed to Greek anthropomorphic ideas, since Hera and Athena, with whom Juno and Minerva were identified, were respectively the wife and daughter of Zeus (Jupiter). In Italy, Juno (Uni in Etruscan) was sometimes the warlike high goddess of a town (e.g., Lanuvium [Lanuvio] in Latium), but her chief function was to supervise the life of women, and particularly their sexual life. The functions of Minerva concerned craftsmen and reflected the growing industrial life of Rome. Two gods with Etruscan names, both worshiped at open altars before they had temples in Rome, were Vulcan and Saturn, the former a fire god identified with the Greek blacksmiths’ deity Hephaestus, and the latter an agricultural god identified with Cronus, the father of Zeus. Saturn was worshiped in Greek fashion, with head uncovered.

The focal point of the cult of Hercules was the Great Altar (Ara Maxima) in the cattle market, just inside the boundaries of the primitive Palatine settlement. The altar may be traced to a shrine of Melkart established by traders from Phoenicia in the 7th century BC. The name of the god, however, was derived from the Greek Heracles, whose worship spread northward from southern Italy, brought by traders who venerated his journeys, his labours, and his power to avert evil. In a market frequented by strangers, a widely recognized divinity of this type was needed to keep the peace. The Greek cult, at first private, perhaps dates from the 5th century BC.



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