How does the brain play into mindset?


A mindset is a set of attitudes held by an individual. There are two types of mindsets: Growth and Fixed. Growth is the belief that we never stop learning and growing while fixed is the belief that we are born with all the intelligence and talent that we will ever have. In the brain, a mindset is associated with neurons and neural pathways. A neuron is the nerve cell that transmits nerve impulses. A neural pathway is a connection that allows a signal to be sent from one region of the nervous system to another. Neurons travel the neural pathway throughout the brain.

Growth mindset:

When a person has developed a growth mindset they are allowing their brain to grow and expand in response to this mindset. When you are within a growth mindset, your brain responds by building new connections from one region to the next. These new connections form and continually strengthen themselves the more the growth mindset is presented. A good example of this is how the infamous 4-minute mile was established. For years researchers told runners that to run a 4-minute mile was impossible, but on May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister broke this myth and successfully ran a 4-minute mile. Bannister attributed visualizing himself running the 4-minute mile to his success. He believed it was possible for him, therefore, it became possible. Bannister planted the picture of his outcome within his brain, which his brain attached to and created impulses that traveled the neural pathways to make it an actual occurrence.

Fixed Mindset:

When a person has a fixed mindset they do not allow their brains to operate. Their belief that their intelligence and talent is given at birth and not established over time, does not allow them to expand their mind. The person within this mindset believes deeply that their brain capacity is simply there or not, and they believe that a person can do nothing to expand their brain. Often people with this mindset fail once and never try again. Within their brain, the neurons and neural pathways are stagnant. A good example of this is freeway driving. When you take certain exits on the freeway you are utilizing them and making them work for you. If there are exits that you never use, they will be of no benefit to you. A fixed mindset is often an empty mind.

Whether you have a growth or fixed mindset, your brain will act in response to it.


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