Explore the Different Cultures Around the World

We all are living in the age of Globalisation. Gone are the days when people used to stay centric only about their own culture. Nowadays, everyone carries the urge to learn about different cultures. Not just that, but following the way of unique cultures also opens the door to exploration. So if you adore reading and gaining more knowledge regarding the widespread range of cultures all around the globe, then you are at the right spot. So fasten your seat belts because we are all set to take you on a long ride based on the prospects of numerous cultures.

Top 10 Cultures in the World

1. Asian Culture

No one could deny the fact that Asian culture is one of the vastest cultures of the whole world. Carrying countless languages, traditions, rituals, languages, and art, Asian culture is known for its diversity. As the Asia continent is divided into six major parts, you can find the variety of every cultural element here. Apart from all that, the religion of Asian culture includes Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Shintoism, Islam,  Sikhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Zoroastrianism.

Main Languages

Chinese, Hindi, English, Russian, Indonesian, Bengali, and Japanese


Central Asian Art, Indian Art, Nomadic Folk Art, Ancient Chinese Art, Cambodian Art, Balinese Art, Thai Art, Arab Art, and Islamic Art


  • 60% of the world population belongs to Asian Culture

  • Geographically, Asian culture is the largest in the whole world

2. Malaysian Culture

The values of the respective culture comprise socio-economic prosperity. More than that, the individuals in Malaysia hold an immortal belief in their spiritual practices. Besides, Malaysian Culture is incredibly rich in arts like sculpturing, painting, filmography, and much more.

The architecture of Malaysian culture is also widely scattered. But, the most fantastic part is that every kind of its architecture relates to the historical aspect.  The culture’s food has more variety than you can ever think of. In other words, Malaysian culture offers some of the most phenomenal cuisines on the earth. All in all, we can say that Malaysian culture takes on a vibrant legacy, which signifies its outstanding recognition.

Main languages

Bahasa Melayu, English, Iban, and Tamil


Carving, silversmithing and weaving.


  • Discipline and hard work are the core components of Malaysian culture

  • Some of the best performing arts come straight from the Malaysian culture

  • Islam is Malaysia’s official religion

  • World’s oldest tropical rainforest is in Malaysia

3. American Culture

Here comes the other most famous culture of the world, none other than American Culture. Vibing with the fast-paced environment, the framework of American culture imposes on thinking significant instead of being practical. Involving a number of religions, races, and ethnicities, American culture possesses competitive prospects and powerful political ideologies.

As a whole, American culture is an irreplaceable culture that teaches the moral of independence and affection to all of the other cultures.

Main Languages

English, Spanish, French, and German


Cinema, comedy, storytelling, painting, architecture and sculpture


  • American Culture thrives on eating on the go

  • Equality is the foundation of American Culture

  • American culture is filled with free hugs as it’s their way of greeting

  • Not interfering in anyone’s business is the biggest flex of Americans

4. African Culture

African culture has attained a separate identity for its varied traditions, lifestyle, and languages. The essence of this culture is that most of the tribes belong to Africa. Hence, the culture follows a separate path of morals, aesthetics, and values. Living on the rays of music, folk art, plus sculpture, African culture is more artistic and less political. The courtship dance of the Wodaabe, the bull-jumping of the Hamar, the lip plates of the Mursi are the prosperous sides that empower the vibrance of African culture.

Abrahamic, Islam, and Christianity are the prominent religions that streamline the diversified perspective of the culture. Here you can observe the remarkable variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Also, the exploration of African culture seems like heaven for all those who love to explore the uniqueness of the Nigerian lifestyle.

Main Languages

Berber, Yoruba, Arabic, Igbo, Swahili, Hausa and Amharic


Pottery, rock art, textile art, and dance


  • More than 3,000 tribes reside in Africa

  • African is one of the oldest cultures in the world

  • There is no place for liars in Africa

  • Chastity before the wedding is a must

  • 2500+ languages find their root in African culture

5. Arabian Culture

Starting from the Arabian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, it’s all about Arabian culture all over. Holding the dominance of the Islamic religion, Arab culture is one of the most different cultures that you can ever come across. Social loyalty is the foundation of this culture. Additionally, Arab culture is known for its widespread belief that whatever happens in life is the will of God.

Unlike any other culture, Arabian culture tracks down the glorious background of literary works. Mullaqat is an Arabian poem series that contains seven poems, and it is considered the sacred form of art. Not just that but classical Arabic music and dance are also popular on a worldwide basis. You may have heard about Riq; it’s an instrument that acts as the backbone of Arabian music legacy. In other words, Arabian culture is spreading the customs of self-reliance and mutual love among all the communities.

Main Languages

Egyptian Arabic, Iraqi Arabic, North Africa Arabic and Gulf Arabic


Ancient Arabic architecture, literature, classical Arabic dance


  • Arabic culture is dedicated entirely to the heart of honour

  • Holding hands is the way of Arabs

  • In Arab culture, gifting is considered as the sweetest gesture

  • It’s mandatory to create trust before commencing any business as per Arabic culture

  • According to Arabic culture, while shaking hands, you should never squeeze them tightly

6. United Kingdom Culture

Bringing something new to the table every time is the real crux of UK culture. Innovation and practical lifestyle weave the ultimate values of the United Kingdom. You might be surprised to know that the performing art of Orchestra was invented by UK culture only.

Similar to the USA, the people of the UK love the platters filled with fish, chicken, snacks, bangers, mash, and most mandatory a cup of coffee. There is no doubt that UK culture is reflecting the edge of innovation and technology that is turning the whole world into a more comfortable place to live.

Main Languages

English, Scottish, Welsh Gaelic, and Irish


Theatre, architectural landmarks and visual arts


  • There is a tradition of wearing magpie feathers to showcase fearlessness

  • The United Kingdom functions on the pillars of punctuality

  • Unlike other cultures, UK lives on afternoon tea

  • UK culture gives equal importance to tea and coffee

  • The credit for creating the first-ever postage stamp belongs to the UK

7. Indian Culture

Up next in our list of top 10 cultures of the world, we would love to mention Indian culture. The glorious history of Indian culture speaks a lot about its vividness. Also, Indian culture is the second most populated culture that wraps up an endless variety of lifestyles. The coexistence of various religions in India strengthens its stand in front of the other cultures.

Besides, Indian architecture personifies the implausible touch of royalness. That’s why most famous monuments like the Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Qutub Minar are from India only. The strong faith of Indians in the cycle of karma makes it an impactful culture that offers endless good lessons to learn from.

Main Languages

Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kanada, Malayali, Tamil, Telugu, Assami and Orissi


Indian music and dance, folk arts, handicrafts, paintings, and pottery


  • There is a ritual of dressing in red for brides during Indian weddings

  • Eating desserts post-meal is one of the most popular Indian food habits

  • The life practices of Aghori Sadhus are world famous

  • Ear Piercing is a common tradition in India

  • Greeting people with Namaste instead of hand-shaking is the gem of Indian style

8. Swizz Culture

Are you a forever fan of Yodeling? Well, you will be glad to know that it’s a gift of Swizz culture only. Right from languages to lifestyle to values, Swizz culture never stops to surprise everyone. A pro at building new bonds, the residents of Switzerland are well familiar with the craft of winning hearts. But, more than that, the holistic environment and the feeling of growing together are the culture’s benchmark.

If you are the one who prefers to try new dishes, then Switzerland is the place for you. Offering some of the best dishes in Switzerland’s food culture is totally worth it. Precisely, the expanded shades of Swizz culture are the epitome of cultural supremacy.

Main Languages

French, German, Romansh, and Italian


Performing arts (hip-hop), music, pottery and print arts


  • The Swiss education system is genuinely affordable

  • If you are in Switzerland, no one will force you to marry early

  • Unity is the most basic element of Swiss culture

  • Switzerland is known for Innovation and creativity

  • There are more than 7000 lakes in the country

9. South Korean Culture

In South Korean culture, you will find a perfect blend of Japanese and Chinese cultures. The culture is influenced by Confucianism. However, some of the best TV shows, movies, and music come straight from Korea. Additionally, you can easily witness the colourful preferences in the clothing and food patterns of South Korea.

Carrying the dominance of Chinese and Japanese, South Korea is the perfect mix of innovation and technology. That’s why Korea is filled with the amazement of Robots. Not only that but Koreans give the greatest preference to good looks. Consequently, Korean culture is one of the most stylish cultures that you can ever come across. Summing up everything, South Korean culture spreads the word of mutual understanding and trust among all.

Main Languages

Korean, English, Japanese and Russian


Calligraphy, music, and pottery


  • South Korean men love doing makeup on a daily basis

  • Korea follows the equal balance of Christianity and Buddhism

  • Protection of family is the most beautiful aspect of Korean culture

  • The shopaholics Koreans prefer to open shops longer than restaurants

10. Chinese culture

The last culture on our list is also the oldest culture in the world. China is known for coming up with some of the most unusual traditions like a uniform code of conduct. Moreover, the factor of giving respect to the elders is a big must. One unexpected fact about Chinese culture is that the red colour signifies happiness in the country.

We all should thank China for bringing Chow Mein and Manchurian to other plates. China is also extremely particular about its work culture. In other words, Chinese culture highlights the outstanding structure of different cultures around the world.

Main Languages

Fuzhou, Hokkien-Taiwanese, Xiang, and Gan


Embroidery and opera


  • China tops the chart of all cultures in regards to population

  • Food is life, that’s the mantra of Chinese culture

Final Words

We are sure that you are entirely amazed after discovering a lot regarding different cultures around the world. Undoubtedly, all cultures are filled with endless components that combine the factors of unity in diversity. Before winding up this post, we will just say that keep witnessing the numerous colours of all cultures because you have only one life to do so.



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