The Benefits Of Cultural Diversity In The Workplace

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Business today is increasingly global, and that's not likely to change anytime soon. If your company's employees don't reflect this trend and represent cultural diversity, your business may be very much behind the times.

I coach professionals on group effectiveness, and many years ago, several of the corporate entities I worked with were cookie-cutter examples of uniformity. Executive positions and the majority of management positions were held by white men in expensive business suits. Their teams also tended to reflect that demographic, with perhaps a few women sprinkled in — again, mostly white. I’m pleased to say that slowly, over time, that has ceased to be the case.

Now, I increasingly work with diverse groups of executives and managers who have come to understand that cultural diversity in the workplace is a valuable commodity. Through education and a greater grasp of cultural competence (an evolving developmental process that encourages the increasing awareness of and respect for the interpersonal styles, beliefs, languages and customs of those from cultures other than our own), many corporations are evolving into multinational melting pots.

As Paula Loop and Paul DeNicola wrote in an article for Harvard Business Review, “after years of asking corporate directors about the importance of diversity in the boardroom, we’ve got some good news: the vast majority see value in including more women and minorities. Nearly 95% of directors agree that diversity brings unique perspectives to the boardroom, while 84% believe it enhances board performance.”

Why Cultural Diversity In The Workplace Is A Win-Win

Teams and companies that make diversity a priority offer a variety of ideas, perspectives and learning opportunities. Diverse employees can bring together their different talents, experiences and various skill sets to come up with creative and inventive solutions, whereas another group made up of people with similar backgrounds and skill sets may decide to solve a dilemma in the same way they always have. An increase in innovation and creativity among a culturally diverse group can create an esprit de corps and the feeling of positive progress for the benefit of the group and the organization. Such success promotes a feeling of camaraderie among team members and encourages successful cooperation in the next company venture.

Inclusiveness also fosters increased productivity and employee satisfaction. Everyone likes to feel needed and as though their contribution is of value.

Is Cultural Diversity A Cakewalk?

The short answer is no. If the work groups in your organization have traditionally been homogeneous, it may take some getting used to on the part of not only management but also members of the team. There are likely to be some initial challenges and growing pains that come with the changes. Your company may experience a slow, steady change of including more and more colleagues with various cultural backgrounds. There may be a bit of grumbling about changing the way it’s always been. Solving this may be as easy as the human resources department conducting a few diversity and inclusivity training sessions.

If the change is rapid and somewhat drastic — think a speedy merger with a company based in a different country — you may have to develop a plan that not only deals with cultural differences but also a language barrier. If the merging company is multinational, you may need to figure out how your team will interface with new teammates who speak several different languages.

According to Richard Brislin, author of Working with Cultural Differences, “even though the challenges of extensive intercultural contact are formidable, they can be overcome if people understand the sources of cultural differences and understand a range of behavioral responses to deal with them. If they learn to identify and work well with individuals who have good advice to offer, such as cultural informants and professional interpreters, they will increase their chances of success.”

Relationship and communication skills are critical for group effectiveness. For them to be effective in achieving results, people-focused aptitudes such as cultural competence are key. A good starting point is to determine where any disconnects are coming from. If the group isn’t sure, or is reluctant to open up, I sometimes begin with having them tell me the aspects of cultural diversity at which they excel. By process of elimination, we can decide which areas to focus on for improvement.

Successfully Implementing A Cultural Diversity Plan

If a cultural diversity plan is implemented without due forethought and effort, it could go off the rails. Without a well-researched and thoroughly thought-out plan, departments may end up hiring candidates not because of their qualifications but because they fit the picture the company is trying to create. Hiring applicants to simply be able to say in your corporate promotional materials that you're culturally diverse is unproductive at best.

If your intentions aren’t sincere, you risk creating a situation where no true mixing and cooperation take place instead of having an integrated, synergistic team. Specific cultural groups may end up feeling excluded and overlooked, resulting in them banding together, creating an us versus them environment.

For the successful implementation of a cultural diversity plan, I've found that a holistic approach is necessary. Diversity needs to be evident at every level in the organization, senior management included. If the folks in the C-suite don’t buy it, it's likely that no one will. They need to believe in the potential, and in turn, sell it to upper management, who can sell it to middle management. If you can’t demonstrate how this pertains to every employee at every level, your audience will probably sense the organization’s lack of commitment.

Take the time as an organization to celebrate employee differences. Realize that employees at every level must understand the company’s commitment to zero tolerance in regards to discrimination and harassment. Take the time to really communicate the diversity goals of your business and hold Q&A sessions to ensure that everyone is on the same page, so the entire organization can effectively foster an environment of diversity and inclusion that benefits one and all.

by Janine Schindler, MCC


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