The Most Common Disabilities Seen In School


Emotional/Behavior Disorders


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Fragile "X"

Auditory Processing

Hearing Impaired


Learning Disabilities

Cystic Fibrosis

Mental Retardation

Cerebral Palsy

Neurological Disabilities

Developmental Delays

Seizure Disorder

Down Syndrome

Support Groups


Visual Impairment

Schools across the country have special needs students. These students fit into a number of categories. This is essentially because of the vastness of special needs issues. A special needs child is often considered disabled in some way. These are children who have mild learning disabilities or profound developmental problems. The umbrella of special needs includes some children that would not be considered in this way.

Special needs children do not always have learning disabilities however. Some of them simply have needs that must be planned for and addressed within their learning environment. These cases include severe food allergies, terminal illnesses, emotional concerns, and motor skill delays. Schools must be equipped in a number of ways to deal with the ramifications of these sorts of cases.

Most common disabilities, seen in schools, fall under developmental concerns. This too is a vast umbrella unto itself. Every child and every case is individually different. There are some children that function at high capacities no matter what their disability is. Then there are other children with very low capacities to function in a school setting.

Teachers, administrators, and therapists need to be aware of these children and their specific needs. This is where parental involvement is paramount. Parents are able to speak for the child and relay their individual needs. Schools and school systems are able to provide specific services for special needs students. Special education teachers have long supplied students with expanded learning opportunities.

These educators are able to use cognitive appropriate teacher resources, teacher worksheets, and lesson plans. These tools are patterned for children with developmental issues. Not all disabled children need special classes. And, not all of them are capable of completing such classes. Here is where individual treatment again becomes critical. Remedial classes may be all that is required for some children with disabilities.

In other cases, children are physically handicapped in some way. These children simply need adequate building codes to accommodate their disabilities. In many of these cases, students are able to perform their work normally. When every necessity is provided, most children can achieve their educational goals. Teachers, administrators, and parents must work together to make sure these issues are addressed.

Most communities are used to supplying necessary services to special needs students. These services could include center-based and home-based treatment. Therapists in a variety of areas work with these children. Their goal is to help them to perform at the optimum capacity. This may require work with motor skills, cognitive skills, and verbal skills. Often this type of treatment is ongoing. Over time it is possible to realize marked differences in both achievement and behavior.

Schools at all grade levels receive students with disabilities. This sometimes means that these students need age appropriate services or assistance. Once this help is in place student have much of what they need to thrive. Encouragement from parents and teachers are important in this process. Children with disabilities need more patience and understanding than the average student.

by Teachnology


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