The Culture of Egypt


Egypt's culture and history date back thousands of years to the times of the ancient Pharaohs. While some of these ancient traditions remain evident, modern Egypt has evolved greatly due to influences of immigrants from other Arab nations. Visitors to Egypt will notice that Egyptian people are mild-mannered and very polite, as a result of their religious principles. Understanding Egyptian customs and culture is essential to a successful trip to Egypt.

Egyptian Cultural Attitudes

Egyptian people are generally very helpful, so tourists rarely have trouble finding assistance with directions or recommendations. It is not unusual for an entire crowd of Egyptians to surround you trying to answer a query. They stand very close when speaking, requiring very little personal space. Egyptians are accustomed to refusing every invitation the first time it was offered, so if your offer is genuine, repeat it a second time. The same goes with invitations from Egyptian people. They will offer something once out of politeness, but you know the offer is sincere if it is repeated. If you accept an invitation into an Egyptian home, such as for a meal, and you do not show, the hosts would be humiliated.

Egyptian Ethnicity

Egypt has a population of about 67 million people. The official language is Arabic and about 99 percent of the Egyptian population comes from Eastern Hamitic backgrounds. This includes ancient Egyptian descendants, Bedouins and Berbers. The remaining 1 percent is comprised of Greek, Nubian, Armenian, Italian and French ethnicity. The majority of the Egyptian population is concentrated around the Nile River Valley and the Nile Delta. A good estimate is that about half the population is from peasantry, while the other half are rich or socially elite. Citizens living in rural areas are mostly peasants earning a living through farming. Egypt's prime location, straddling from North Africa across the Suez Canal into Asia, makes it the center of the Arab world. It is often thought to be the intellectual leader of the Middle East, having been the first to open up to communications with the Western world.

Religion in Egypt

About 90 percent of the Egyptian population are Sunni Muslims, 8 percent are Coptic Christians and the remaining 2 percent are Jewish or of other Christian denominations. Islamic values are fundamental in personal and political aspects for all citizens, including Christians. Egyptians have strong family values and are expected to be faithful to members of their nuclear and extended families. Most businesses are closed on Fridays, the Muslim holy day, with some also closed on Thursdays. Egyptian Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan and are only allowed to work for six hours each day. While not required to fast during Ramadan, Christians are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or chew gum in public. The major mosques are open to tourists, except during religious services. All guests are expected to remove their shoes before entering any religious building.

Mass Media in Egypt

Egypt is the most progressive country in the Middle East is the field of media. Journalism, film, television, music and the arts are of supreme importance in Egyptian culture. Egypt has a press that is basically free, especially when compared to the censorship applied in other Arab nations. The biggest newspaper in the country is called "Al Ahram," but other papers are also distributed. Egypt's radio broadcasting system transmits programs throughout the Arab world in Arabic, English, French and other languages. Egyptian television is controlled by the government, with five national television channels. Egypt is the only Arab country with a movie industry and has been making movies since the 1930s. Egypt is also home to live entertainment venues, such as the Cairo Opera House, National Puppet Theater, Pocket Theater and National Symphony. The country has several museums that boast the ancient art traditions and has produced a Nobel prize winner in literature.

Women and Clothing

Women in Egypt are expected to be conservative and modest, in following with the Islamic principles for women. Unknown men should never approach an Egyptian woman; instead questions and concerns should be addressed toward other men. A large percentage of Egyptian women maintain their virginity until marriage, because virginity is seen as a sign of morality and men prefer to marry virgin women. Women are widely present within the professional workforce, working as doctors, lawyers, college professors and diplomats. A head scarf is often worn as a symbol of modesty and to discourage male advances in the professional field. Women are expected to keep their arms and legs covered, especially in religious arenas.

Amelia Allonsy


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