Hamdi Ulukaya – CEO of the Chobani Greek Yoghurt Empire

Ulukaya began his life as a kurd raising sheep in the mountains of eastern Turkey, where he developed an interest in Kurdish rights and began studying political science at Ankara University. After attracting negative attention from the authorities for his involvement in political activism, Ulukaya chose to move to America, with $3,000 to his name, no English, and a distaste for capitalism. That was in October of 1994. Fast forward three decades, and Ulukaya has built a Greek yoghurt brand that dominates the competitive American market. Not only that, but he has also begun to change the face of business leadership in America. This year, Ulukaya started a program that plans to give away 10% of Chobani’s equity to his employees. He also offers a generous 6-week parental leave policy, and employs over 400 refugees. In January, he was invited to speak at the World Economic Conference in Switzerland, where he told other business leaders, “You have to lead by example. Chobani can inspire a new way of business, a new way of work, a new way of innovation.” In 2016, Chobani pulled in $1.6 billion in revenue.

by Jessica Bush


Madeleine Albright – the First Woman Secretary of State


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