What It Takes To Create A Culture Of Belonging In 2021

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The concept of what makes a successful workplace culture has evolved dramatically over the past year, as employees and employers navigated the pandemic reality of work and adjusted to a new business landscape. Through the uncertainty of the last year, one thing has remained consistent: Employees want to feel they belong at their company whether they’re in the office, working remotely or living a hybrid reality. 

At the Achievers Workforce Institute, we define belonging as an experience of connection, security and community. It’s about feeling at home in one’s place, without reservation. This sense of belonging stems from an organization's efforts to build a diverse, inclusive and engaging workplace environment. 

Belonging is clearly desirable — but what has led to its elevated importance today? The answer begins with engagement. Organizations with employees who feel a sense of belonging in the workplace enjoy consistently higher levels of engagement, and we are desperate for greater engagement. 

Given the powerful correlation between engagement and belonging, this driver of engagement is a critical factor in the war on talent. Research from BetterUp further supports the importance of belonging, showing that feelings of exclusion (or lack of belonging) can lead to significant decreases in workplace productivity. Furthermore, inside companies where employees report a strong sense of belonging, companies have the potential to save nearly $52 million in turnover costs for every 10,000 employees. The business case for belonging is profound.

So, how can organizations develop a culture of belonging to support employees and protect their bottom line? Here are five pillars of success:  

1. Employees Must Feel Welcomed 

New employees joining an organization should feel welcomed and quickly integrated into their team and company culture. A structured onboarding process to help “socialize” new employees from the start and connect them with peers across the organization can be beneficial in making them feel welcomed. This is especially important as we enter a new phase of permanent remote and hybrid work. Connections can be more difficult to make virtually, so providing a structured process is crucial in helping new employees feel welcomed. 

Employees who feel welcomed are more likely to be committed to their organization for the long term and contribute to the financial success of the company. Early recognition for new employees whose behaviors align with organizational values helps new team members experience an initial sense of belonging. 

2. Employees Must Feel Known 

To feel that they belong within an organization, employees must feel they are known — that they are understood, motivated and celebrated as an individual. To better help employees feel known, organizations can use personality and values tools, such as DISC or MBTI, to help managers gain insights into their employees’ strengths and needs, allowing them to better empower and reward each individual. 

Experiencing appreciation is an important aspect of feeling known, so understanding an employee’s personal values helps managers and leaders create meaningful connections and employ tactics that increase employee motivation and satisfaction.

3. Employees Must Feel Included 

We identify inclusion as an experience of being valued and accepted without reservation — a critical pillar of belonging in the workplace. When employees feel included they are not only more likely to stay, but also to experience higher levels of productivity, all of which is organizationally beneficial. 

Employee resource groups (ERGs) are an effective tactic for organizations to implement to demonstrate their commitment to inclusion. These employee-led groups allow employees from a variety of backgrounds to find a community of like-minded individuals within the organization, fostering feelings of acceptance and future shared experiences. ERGs are particularly helpful for remote workers, as a remote structure can make it more difficult for employees to build community and experience inclusion inside their organization. 

4. Employees Must Feel Supported

At Achievers, we define the pillar of support as an experience of being consistently and meaningfully nurtured and recognized. When employees feel their company is committed to their success — both personally and professionally — they are much more likely to have higher job satisfaction and stronger performance. A study from Salesforce found that employees who feel heard inside their company are almost five times more likely to feel empowered to do their best work. 

Managers are an important piece of the puzzle in ensuring employees feel a deep, personal sense of support. Providing regular one-to-one meetings, coaching, support for professional development goals and regular recognition allows managers to promote the success of each of their team members, creating a domino effect that positively impacts the entire organization. 

5. Employees Must Feel Connected 

The last pillar of belonging is connection — the experience of developing and maintaining relationships across a diverse organizational population. The workplace is where people spend a significant portion of their time every week, and it’s critical they have a sense of connection and community to remain engaged. Leaders should provide employees with opportunities to connect with team members across the organization — from peers to managers to leaders — and foster relationships that help establish and maintain a sense of psychological safety and well-being.

To create connections, the workplace must have a diverse environment that allows all employees to feel represented within the organization. 

As employees continue to adapt to the changing workplace environment, these five pillars will work to establish a sense of belonging for all employees, a factor that's crucial in creating a motivated workforce — one that is both committed to the organization and acts as company advocates. 

Natalie Baumgartner


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