Master These 5 Leadership Skills to Increase Your Results Tenfold

Many founders and CEOs wonder how they can increase their company’s results tenfold, and they misguidedly look to external means. One of the most effective ways that leaders can impact their company and those around them is by internal means. At my company Pure Green, I teach our executives and franchise partners how to master the following internal skillsets to achieve ten times their current results.

Master the following leadership skillsets, and you will be surprised how quickly results will follow.

1. Personal development

The best leaders are constantly focused on improving and fine-tuning their skillsets. In our modern world, information is more accessible than ever, not only through traditional books, but also through audio books, podcasts, online articles, online seminars and live seminars. Throughout my career, I’ve always sought to improve as a leader by constantly learning from world-class leaders, leadership courses and all the personal-development tools mentioned above.

I always encourage our leaders at Pure Green to focus on personal development. As cheesy as it sounds, leaders are readers. Some people roll their eyes when they hear that and make excuses like, “I don’t have the time to read.” The truth is, with that excuse, personal development is not being prioritized. When you are commuting to work or traveling on a plane, why not listen to an audio book or business podcast? Even if your commute is only ten minutes each way and you listen to an audio book 20 minutes a day, over time, you will gain valuable insights that can help you improve as a leader.

2. Focus on execution and avoid analysis paralysis

Are you a generalized thinker, or are you more of a detailed thinker? I have always been a “big picture” guy, looking at the broad strokes rather than obsessing over details. I am focused on achieving results and how to achieve them strategically and rapidly. Building a successful organization requires both kinds of thinking, but an over-focus on details can lead to what I call “analysis paralysis.” Many leaders overthink, which inhibits their ability to make decisions swiftly. Taking too long to make decisions can significantly slow a company’s growth and cost opportunities.

A leader’s focus should be heavily weighted on execution. Shoot first, aim later. Yes, mistakes can be easily made with this approach, but if you learn from the mistakes, you can always course correct. I seek results, and I keep what is working and drop what is not working. People follow leaders that are bold and make swift decisions. I urge you to embrace this philosophy and measure the effect that it has on your company.

3. Surround yourself with people that you respect

It is said that the average annual income of the five people that you spend the most time with is equivalent to your annual income. Whether this is accurate for you or not, the foundation of spending more time with people who are driven, passionate about what they do and have positive mindsets will certainly impact you in a positive way.

Spending a great deal of time with people who constantly complain and are Debbie-downers tends to negatively impact our mood and drain us of our energy.

I choose to surround myself, both personally and professionally, with people that inspire me every day and light me up with energy. I urge you to be aware of the impact that those around you have on your mood, creativity and energy.

At Pure Green, we don’t allow people into the organization that bring us down. Both in hiring team members for our corporate team or in awarding franchises to franchisees, we look for people that radiate positive energy, have a sincere belief in our mission and are passionate and driven to succeed.

4. Network the right way by creating meaningful relationships

The most effective way to build your network is by creating meaningful relationships. Have you ever been to an event where someone approaches you, quickly asks you what you do, talks with you for a few minutes then hands you a business card and leaves? Days later, you receive a spammy, generic email or LinkedIn request or, even worse, the person included you in his or her newsletter that you didn’t sign up for. This is not networking. This is a spray-and-pray tactic that is unlikely to yield any kind of meaningful relationship.

The best way to network is to listen carefully to people and put in the time in to build a meaningful relationship. Don’t be that surface-level networker described above. Invest heavily in building relationships with quality people. When you are at a networking event, party or social event, it is better to build deeper relationships with fewer people than have a greater number of shallow interactions.

5. Write down your goals and track your progress

There is great power in clearly defining your goals and tracking your progress. At the beginning of each month, I clearly define my goals for the month, review my performance from the previous month, then track my progress throughout the following weeks. It is important to choose goals that you can commit to and that are attainable. I also leverage the power of accountability by being part of an entrepreneur mastermind group, where we share our goals for the current month and hold each other accountable.

Ross Franklin


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