What is the importance of leadership in the workplace?

Every organization has its goals with a vision to achieve. For achieving a goal it further divided into actionable steps. To take action and work on it human groups are needed. Where the human groups are involved organization must have to make organization’s vision their vision and provide the essential skills, knowledge, and information to work on that vision/goal effectively. Where all these activities are involved then it becomes essential for the organization to control the human group and provide the proper guidance and motivate the team when time gets hard and make them believe that its possible and we can achieve the goal together. To control all these activities it becomes important for the organization to have leadership management in the workplace.

Most of the time employees do not use their full potential at work i.e. they do not give their 100% at workplace just because of lack of guidance, clarity, and motivation. This is the waste of resources and money expended on the project. So, an organization must have leadership in the workplace to achieve their goal efficiently and effectively with minimum chances of error.

Followings are the points that show it’s very important for an organization to employ Leadership Management in the workplace-

i) Influencing the subordinates

The leader influences his subordinates with his experience and leadership skills in a way that the team members do their best to achieve the goal of an organization.

ii) Ability to understand the people

A good leader always listens to their subordinates, understand the human behavior and have the ability to make good relationship with their subordinates in order to understand their interests, abilities, motivations, and concerns.

iii) Manage organizational change

Business environments are changing day by day and it is very important for an organization to be ready for any changes or updates and implement these in their organization. The process of implementation of organizational changes is very complex and challenging. As leaders have the skills to influence the people, they manage the situation and make their subordinates agree to the changes and implement it accordingly.

iv) Provide guidance to the subordinates

Team Leader provides guidance to their subordinates in order to achieve maximum and make sure that they are fulfilling their roles. The guidance includes training, instruction and listening to the subordinates, what is the problem they are facing and provide the proper solutions, guidance or whatever it takes to realize the goal of an organization.

v) Promoting Values

In order to the success of any organization, it is essential that team leader promote the core values. For example, a leader demonstrates honesty and integrity in all his activities can serve as a model for team members to ensure that they behave in a similar manner.

Masum Raza


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