How to Successfully Combat Ageism in a Job Search

With getting older generally comes wisdom, experience, and self-knowledge. The hard truth, though, is that some employers see age as a disadvantage. Ageism in a job search is a real issue.

Older workers can face high hurdles in the competition for jobs—often due to tired misconceptions and just plain age discrimination that, sadly, is pervasive in the job market.

For example, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco conducted a study in which it sent fictitious applications to over 13,000 positions.

The study found that the callback rate was higher for younger applicants and lower for older applicants, despite otherwise identical applications. In one category: “Relative to the young applicants, older female applicants for administrative jobs had a 47% lower callback rate, 7.6% versus 14.4%.”

Another study by ProPublica and the Urban Institute followed 20,000 people from the time they turned 50 through the rest of their lives.

It found that “between the time older workers enter the study and when they leave paid employment, 56 percent are laid off at least once or leave jobs under such financially damaging circumstances that it’s likely they were pushed out rather than choosing to go voluntarily.”

In a workforce that’s predicted to be half millennials by 2020, it’s wise to learn how to present yourself as the best job candidate, regardless of your age.

Combating Ageism in a Job Search

Start from scratch.

Now’s a good time to do a complete “job search makeover.” As impartially as you can, assess how you stack up as a job candidate in today’s competitive market, where you’re likely up against people of all ages whose accomplishments may well be on par with yours. Plan an approach that highlights all you have to offer as a “mature job seeker.”

Revamp your resume.

Your credentials may be extensive, but resist the urge to exhaustively list everything you’ve achieved in your career. “Hiring managers want to see the most current and relevant experience you have for the specific job you are applying to, so it’s really only necessary to go back 10-15 years in your work history,” said Toni Frana, one of FlexJobs’ career coaches.

Judiciously edit and target your resumes and cover letters. Don’t feel obligated to document meticulously—detailing specific but long-ago dates on your resume may unnecessarily call attention to your age.

Consider flexible work.

If you believe you’re experiencing ageism in your job search, flexible jobs, including part-time positions and jobs with alternative schedules, can be worthwhile to consider. Think about looking for positions with smaller companies or startups, where professional part-time jobs, and contract or project-specific positions, may be a more viable option than in bigger or more established companies.

Remote jobs, which tend to require less face time and more emphasis on work accomplished, can also work well for older workers. Working with a team of younger coworkers may be easier when the focus is on your work performance and not your appearance in the office. Be sure your tech skills are up to par if you want to go this route.

Exploit your expertise.

Consider launching a website or a blog where you can highlight your expertise in an area where your skills shine. This is an option if you truly have a deep level of expertise in your career field, a little technical know-how, and if your writing skills are top-notch.

Use contacts in your network to provide posts and comments—and maybe a glowing commendation or two about how good you are at what you do to help overcome ageism in a job search.

Stay up to date.

Learning never ends! Use that as a guiding principle to keep you motivated and to stay abreast of technological advances and job trends. Be conversant with social media, and use platforms liked LinkedIn and Twitter to establish a professional public profile. Technology offers seasoned job seekers wonderful opportunities to take charge of their own careers.

Learning new skills and understanding how to use social media are imperative to the workforce. Employees that started working when things were done on paper and with typewriters need to stay current with job trends in order to move to an integrated, often global, workforce.

Taking classes and embracing new technology will keep you competitive and employable. Using the social media tools, like LinkedIn and Twitter, shows a level of comfort and youthfulness in your job search.

Pick the right employer and company culture.

Careers are another form of relationships. Focusing on working in environments that feel comfortable to you and embrace your knowledge will make for a great job. If an employer seems obviously uncomfortable with you or your age, it will not make a harmonious work environment, and you will be back looking for a new job.

Regardless of age, job fit is important to assess when looking for a new role. Do you agree with the company’s work policies, corporate culture, and industry? Knowing that you believe in a company and your ability to match with its environment can help you focus on the job you want.

Know the benefits of age diversity.

Not everyone considers that having a range of ages within an organization is a benefit. Younger workers and older workers alike can bring different skills that are valuable.

Older workers in particular may have more traditional business skills, such as better in-person and written communication abilities. Having a mix of ages can help a company reach different clients. And older workers can also act as mentors to pass along their knowledge and expertise in areas where others may be lacking.

“Working for a company valuing diversity, including age diversity, is a win for everyone. Age diversity gives a team a sense of wisdom and expertise that may not otherwise exist without a breadth of employee experiences,” said Frana.

Be aware of red flag interview questions.

It is illegal for certain questions to be asked in interviews that may lead an interviewer to discriminate. Any of these questions could be asked of you to determine your age, and be a sign of job search ageism:

  • “What year were you born?”

  • “What year did you graduate high school?”

  • “Are you married?”

  • “Do you have kids?”

  • “How long have you been in the workforce?”

  • “Will the age gap between you and your coworkers bother you?”

If you’re asked any of these illegal questions, focus on what the intent is behind them. The interviewer maybe wondering about your technology know-how, if you have the experience needed for the role, and if you will be able to devote the amount of time needed. Circle back to your expertise and skills to show how you can do the job, no matter your age.

Ageism is illegal in the United States and workers over the age of 40 are considered protected workers by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

However, job search ageism can be hard to prove and you can still run into obstacles getting into the changing workforce. By taking these tips, job seekers can prepare and protect themselves from ageism discrimination in their job search.

Overcoming Ageism and Age Discrimination in Your Job Search

From tidying up your resume to knowing the red flags, ageism is often something that midlife and older job applicants often have to deal with. Stay alert and know how to find age discrimination.

by Adrianne Bibby


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