How Businesses Can Help End Discrimination For Employees With Disabilities

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Millions of people with disabilities want jobs but can't get hired, even though five foundational federal laws are in place to protect the 61 million adult Americans with disabilities from employment discrimination. Yet a stigma that still exists in the workplace limits all hopes of fulfilling the American Dream for many of these individuals.

Employment discrimination for Americans with disabilities comes in the form of hiring biases, harassment, lack of reasonable accommodation, inappropriate interviews, an intolerant culture and more. Even if an individual's disability has no bearing on their ability to do a job, many employers have some concerns. This leads them to develop an unfavorable opinion of a job candidate simply because of their disability.

Sadly, prejudicial thinking and unfair work practices keep many individuals who currently live with some type of disability from obtaining a job, or once hired for one, remaining in the position. People with disabilities are twice as likely to be unemployed compared to those without a disability, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This needs to change. Companies must recognize that having a disability does not limit someone from achieving at a high level or fulfilling the responsibilities that a job requires.

The Reality Of Employment Discrimination

Ironically, it's likely that many people will someday know what it's like to be disabled themselves. A little over one in four of today's 20-year-olds will become disabled before they retire, according to the Council for Disability Awareness. And it's not usually from accidents but caused by back injuries, cancer, heart disease and other illnesses.

Still, there are a substantial number of Americans with disabilities who need jobs, yet employment discrimination is keeping them away from the workplace. This is especially true for working-age Americans with disabilities who have a college degree. Their employment rate is 14% lower than the rate of adults with only high school diplomas and 31% lower than the rate of their peers without disabilities.

Plus, an important lesson underscored by the Covid-19 pandemic is that a person's mental health is improved by working. Employment offers individuals many psychological experiences that promote mental well-being, such as time structure, social contact, purpose, social identity and regular activity, noted the World Health Organization's 2020 "Mental Health and Work" report. 

The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act was put in place to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities and guarantee them equal opportunities in employment. However, only 19% of people with disabilities are currently employed. In my view, many employers and administrators are not giving the interests of workers with disabilities the attention they deserve. 

For instance, after a prolonged battle over the 2020 census, the Supreme Court ruled that the census would end early, concluding more than two weeks earlier than scheduled. This shortened timetable could result in fewer people with disabilities included and represented when critical funding decisions are made.

The census determines allocations for necessities critical to people with disabilities, from Medicaid and Medicare to vocational training and rehabilitation services. That money is needed for programs that can train and place people with disabilities in meaningful, remunerative jobs that can foster lifelong careers and economic sustainability.

Championing Disability Rights

More emphasis can be put on the rights of employees with disabilities. One of the most pressing issues is the disability pay gap.

The 2018 Census Bureau found that out of 11 million Americans with disabilities in the workplace, median earnings were 66% below that of their peers without disabilities. For those who beat the odds and find a job, a concern is not only a lower salary but the fact that there are fewer opportunities for advancement. To help end employee discrimination, American businesses can ensure equal and fair wages for all of their workers and provide similar paths to promotions.

The current pandemic may actually offer a beacon of light on some issues. While it decimated employment rates for Americans with disabilities, it has also created new opportunities for them as many jobs transitioned to work-from-home positions. Thanks to this development, people with disabilities weren't forced to deal with the frustrating lack of consistently accessible transportation or bound by the limitations of a workplace that isn't up to code.

But this development also begs the obvious: When the country returns to some sort of normalcy, will these jobs go away? Will people with disabilities once again be faced with the same prejudices upon returning to the workplace?

One solution that has gained traction during the pandemic is that companies ensure opportunities for virtual employment after people go back to the traditional workplace. This will create more opportunities for people with disabilities to gain and hold onto jobs and offer them better chances to rise through the ranks.

Remember, disability can touch anyone at any time or a family member. Be a part of the solution and create a workplace atmosphere that champions these important ideals and increases access and opportunities for all.

Angela F. Williams


Stop saying millennials 'killed' the American Dream. They're actually reviving it.


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