Skills Military Veterans Bring to the Workplace

Veterans add incredible value to the workplace. A former member of the Armed Forces has a unique and powerful skillset that can greatly benefit any company they work for — and we’ve seen it in action at MetLife.

Here are eight reasons why veterans can improve a variety of work environments.

1. Leadership

The military trains veterans to accept and execute responsibility for resources, tasks and their own behavior. This special training consists of inspiring leadership in others and motivating others, setting examples, delegating tasks and giving clear and detailed directions. Additionally, veterans work in a highly team-oriented and hierarchical environment. Therefore, they know how to take orders, and when to give them.

2. Teamwork

Camaraderie is a crucial part of the military experience. Veterans spend years cooperating with and relying on their team members to stay safe and complete important tasks. Veterans understand the value of teamwork, and how diverse people can work together to achieve goals. Veterans know that real teamwork grows from a sense of responsibility to their colleagues. In business, they subjugate themselves for the betterment of the team and the organization.

3. Strong Work Ethic

If you’re looking for a mature professional with a strong work ethic, a military-trained candidate should receive serious consideration. Through service, training and lifestyle, former military personnel typically have the work ethic desired in an employee. Veterans take ownership of their actions. They’ve learned how to take charge of the duties assigned to them and execute tasks with minimal supervision.

4. Core Values

Veterans have a proven track record of trustworthiness and live by a strong code of ethics and core values. All adhere to the same basic principles: commitment, integrity, accountability, loyalty and “service before self.” Veterans understand the importance of these principles in building a strong team. They also bring with them an intrinsic understanding of how loyalty adds to team proficiency and builds trust in a work environment.

5. Ability to Handle Stressful Situations

Veterans have to perform their jobs under some of the most stressful situations imaginable. Military personnel are required to set priorities, accomplish missions and meet schedules on a daily basis. With this responsibility comes added pressure and stress, but veterans are trained to handle these factors in a constructive way. That means veterans are less likely to crack under pressure even on the busiest or most stressful days in the workplace.

6. Self-direction and Motivation

The rigorous training military members receive produces highly motivated employees who set high goals for themselves and achieve them. They learn how to work toward efficiency, ask for guidance when needed and exercise self-discipline in professional settings. Veterans know how to analyze and resolve difficult and complex problems without constant guidance from supervisors – they’re self-starters who are driven to get the job done right the first time.

7. Diversity and Inclusion

Veterans represent many different backgrounds and appreciate working with all types of people regardless of race, gender, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation as well as mental, physical and attitudinal capabilities. They possess the sensitivity to cooperate with many different types of people. Additionally, many military veterans speak more than one language, have traveled extensively, and understand the nuances of international communication.

8. Technology and Globalization

Military personnel use some of the most sophisticated technology in the world. Working in the armed forces requires a high degree of technological skill and education to keep up with increasingly complex systems. Military members are among the first to adopt new technology. Furthermore, because of their experience in the service, veterans are often aware of international and technical trends relating to business, and can bring both technological savvy and a global outlook to any company.

by MetLife


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