Influence Of Religion On Symbolism And Iconography

Religious figures and spiritual authorities themselves form a vast complex of symbols: gods, saviours, redeemers, heroes, the avatars (incarnations) and the Ishvaras (manifestations) of Hinduism, the heroes and gods of epics, the founders, lawgivers, saints, and reformers of the great religions. The biblical prophets, apostles, and evangelists and the Christian saints are characterized by a very complicated system of symbols. Theologians, mystics, and contemplatives may also be symbolically and pictorially represented; the Doctors (teachers) of Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy and Fathers of the early church have standard iconic forms, attributes, and symbols (e.g., St. Augustine is represented by the heart, St. Jerome by the lion). Persons connected with ritual and representatives of the religious institution (e.g., hierarchs, priests, assistants in the liturgy, male and female dancers, and musicians) may also be symbolically and iconographically depicted.

The offering, the place of offering, the altar and its trappings, the instruments that prepare and destroy the offering, the fire that consumes it, the liquids and drinks used in the rite, the sacred meal, and the rites of communion all are objects of iconography and symbolism. The offering symbolizes the idea of submission to the ideals of a religion, the giving up of valuables and possessions for religious purposes and for the service of human brotherhood, and the giving up of one’s life for religion.

A religious community recognizes itself and its ideas by symbols. Examples are the yinyang (union of opposites) symbol bound by the circle of stability (taiji) in Chinese universalism, the swastika in Hinduism and Jainism, the wheel of the law in Buddhism, the khandha (two swords, dagger, and disk) in Sikhism, the star of David and the menorah (candelabrum) in Judaism, and the cross in its various forms in Christianity.


The further development of symbolism and iconography in the higher religions of the modern world is an open question. During much of the 20th century in the Christian communities, revivals of the liturgical traditions and of ritual symbolism were in progress, though criticized vigorously by many theologians. Liturgical symbolism became valued anew and stabilized. Theological systems, like that developed by Paul Tillich, were based on the concept of the symbol. On the other hand, during the 1960s some indifference toward symbols and pictures developed because of an emphasis on the moral and social tasks of religion. Symbols, myths, pictures, and anthropomorphic ideas of God were rejected by many theologians, and philosophical structures (e.g., the theory of the demythologization of the Bible, or the so-called Death of God theology) became substitutes for them. In the great non-Christian religions, this process seems to be less acute. Within the horizons of a secularized, skeptical, and agnostic society, religious symbols seem to be dispensable, but nonetheless a new and increasing interest in symbols was appearing, especially among the younger generations who came into contact with both Western and non-Western religious and cultural traditions, with their rich sources of symbolic images and modes of thinking. Thus, a resurgence of understanding for the specific values of symbolism and iconography was recognized in the latter part of the 20th century and in the early 21st century, in spite of all apparently opposite trends.

by Britannica


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