The 7 Most Common Cultural Differences in the Workplace
Culture Drew Bartkiewicz Culture Drew Bartkiewicz

The 7 Most Common Cultural Differences in the Workplace

Because of globalisation and the internet, more and more international teams are forming within scale-ups, enterprises and even start-ups. This is of course fantastic, but what about cultural differences in the workplace and the associated misunderstandings that you may encounter as a result?

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The 7 Most Common Cultural Differences in the Workplace
Cultures Drew Bartkiewicz Cultures Drew Bartkiewicz

The 7 Most Common Cultural Differences in the Workplace

Because of globalisation and the internet, more and more international teams are forming within scale-ups, enterprises and even start-ups. This is of course fantastic, but what about cultural differences in the workplace and the associated misunderstandings that you may encounter as a result?

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