The Challenges Faced By Women in The Workplace
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

The Challenges Faced By Women in The Workplace

For the last four years, and McKinsey have been conducting research on the participation and inclusivity of women in the workplace. While it might seem like the world is progressing and there’s a rising involvement of women in the workplace, the reality is quite different. As the report suggests, “progress isn’t slow. It’s stalled.”

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The Challenges Faced By Women in The Workplace
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

The Challenges Faced By Women in The Workplace

For the last four years, and McKinsey have been conducting research on the participation and inclusivity of women in the workplace. While it might seem like the world is progressing and there’s a rising involvement of women in the workplace, the reality is quite different. As the report suggests, “progress isn’t slow. It’s stalled.”

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The Challenges Faced By Women in The Workplace
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

The Challenges Faced By Women in The Workplace

For the last four years, and McKinsey have been conducting research on the participation and inclusivity of women in the workplace. While it might seem like the world is progressing and there’s a rising involvement of women in the workplace, the reality is quite different. As the report suggests, “progress isn’t slow. It’s stalled.”

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