Lifelong Learning And Success: Six Ways To Spark Your Curiosity

Curiosity. The birthplace of change and discovery, and the greatest expander of intellect. All the greats since the beginning of time have been curious and creative free thinkers — from Plato, Aristotle and Shakespeare to Elon Musk, Steve Jobs and beyond.

In my work, I've found one common thread among those who stand out versus those who do not. They remain curious. These are lifelong learners who never take textbook answers as the be-all and end-all. They challenge conventional thinking and traditional paradigms and even go as far as to challenge their own preconditioned thought patterns, beliefs and values. They exemplify critical thinking in its purest form, thus forging new paths and moving the needle of change forward.

Think about it: Did Columbus have any idea where he was headed and if the world was truly flat? Nope. He was curious. Did Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. accept racial segregation as the norm? Nope. He was curious about how we could create a unified United States utilizing nonviolent protests to promote civil rights and equality. You get the point.

Reimagine your inner four-year-old with that insatiable thirst for knowledge, asking questions 24/7, much to the detriment of your parents' shot nerves. Think back to that age of discovery where we are trying to piece everything together to make sense of it. With age, that curiosity dims for most. Why? Why do we stop questioning everything? I believe "It is what it is" is the worst phrase ever coined, but it highlights my point. Is it truly what it is, or is there another way? A way to do things faster? More efficiently? More compassionately? Curiosity, my friends, is and always will be the bedrock for discovery and the advancement of humanity.

How many times in your life can you remember being told, "You can't," simply because “It isn't the way things are done”? What is your natural instinct? Do you accept it at face value or ask the bigger question of "Why can't I?"

You know that feeling you get when the underdog triumphs against all odds? You feel good — sometimes it even brings you to tears. Why? It's because at the core of each and every one of us, greatness exists. But we forget because we stop questioning our own potential. We accept preconditioned limitations like Pavlov's dog and allow external powers to strip us of our birthright. We never push the envelope. We stop questioning.

In the journey to "Why can't I?" you will most likely fail at some things, but who cares? Try it again, but never stop questioning different ways to get there. When Thomas Edison was asked, "How did it feel to fail a thousand times?" Edison is said to have replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The lightbulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

Six Ways To Spark More Curiosity

1. Step away from the TV and read. One trait that truly sets many successful people apart is that they read. A lot. Research shows that those at the top 1% of income-earners are avid readers of self-improvement books. In fact, 85% of successful people read two or more self-improvement or educational books per month. Warren Buffet reads hundreds of pages each day. Bill Gates reads 50 books annually, and when asked how he learned to build rockets, Elon Musk replied, “I read books.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

2. Meditate. The uncluttering of the mind and transitioning into a state of openness is where the magic happens. It creates space to question your own beliefs and norms — and actually think about your thinking. New thoughts can form. Creativity can blossom. Another avenue to achieve similar results is the Dutch principle of niksen, which is quite literally the art of doing nothing so that the mind can wander.

3. Use social media platforms and podcasts for the greater good. Fill your feeds and your playlists with inspiration and life-giving materials — accounts that breathe life into you and remind you that the possibilities are endless. Break the pattern of thinking small. If it doesn't inspire you, cut it.

4. Surround yourself with people whose viewpoints differ from your own. Get out of your bubble. Be open to other viewpoints and the honest exchange of ideas. Collaborative thinking is a phenomenal way to foster new ideas and gain deeper insights.

5. Try to figure it out on your own first. In an age where answers are quite literally at our fingertips, get in the habit of flying solo first. Some of the coolest inventions came from simplifying day-to-day tasks by just asking, "What do I think will help a lot of people, and will most certainly help me?" Get in the habit of seeking out answers before asking for help.

6. Play games. Research shows that certain types of games can "help to train the brain to become more agile and improve strategic thinking." In fact, real-time strategy games can actually promote our ability to think on the fly and encourage cognitive flexibility, a cornerstone of human intelligence.

The world needs great thinkers now more than ever to challenge traditional ideologies in the arenas of education, leadership, government policies, environmental issues and spirituality. We need more individuals to challenge the status quo for the greater good.

In the grand tapestry of your life, there is only one common denominator, and it is you. You choose where you give your attention, how you show up, the standards you set and the dynamics you participate in. I challenge you today and every day to rise to life's challenges, remain open and curious, and never stop asking, "Why can't I?" After all, in the words of Hillel the Elder, "If not now, when? If not you, who?"

Erin Miller


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