The Importance Of Cultivating Empathy In The Workplace

Empathy is generally defined as “the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.” Today, as the workplace continues to evolve, empathy is often expected in the workforce, with the added expectation that this change comes from the top. But according to the “2019 State of the Workplace Empathy Study,” reported on by HR Dive, “92% of CEOs believe their organization is empathetic, while only 72% of workers agree.”

Researchers note that empathy is an inherently human response, and we see it all the time: when comforting those visibly upset even when we don’t know the root cause, in the pure excitement we show when total strangers complete a hard-won goal, even in the pay-it-forward moments we see in drive-thru lines. So if, as human beings, we are innately empathetic, why does empathy remain such a rare commodity in the workplace? And as business leaders, how do we toe the line of empathy without invading the personal space of others?

The Power Of Common Language

A barrier to a more empathetic workplace often stems from a lack of understanding about how to start the conversation. This is where the power of common language comes into play. Some companies have formal trainings on empathy in the workplace, bringing in experts or even culture firms to help cultivate a stronger understanding of what workplace empathy looks like in practice.

One construct used is called the “Mood Elevator” (subscription required), developed by Larry Senn, which gives employees a tool to discuss their moods and barriers to productivity. With this universal language, an employee can walk into a meeting and let the room know that they’re a bit low on the Mood Elevator. The translation for the room is that this person has stuff going on and isn’t showing up as their best self. Another recommendation Larry Senn has spoken on is to be aware of the “shadow you cast,” which gives employees the knowledge that how they are showing up impacts many others. I’ve heard many a person say to “remember your shadow,” and the recipient understood exactly what they meant.

In a simple form, a do-it-yourself approach could involve using a numerical 1-to-10 scale, similar to how doctors have a pain scale in order to understand what their patient is feeling. In a work setting, this same scale can be used to show how people are feeling on a given day, 10 being the best case scenario and 1 being the worst. While emotions like anxiety, stress or even excitement cannot necessarily be quantified, this scale creates a common language for employees to share how they are feeling without having to go into detail and potentially bridging uncomfortable conversations.

This is also a great tool for managers and other company executives so that they can check in with employees and start a conversation along the lines of, “It seems like you may be at a 5 today, so please let me know if it makes sense to reschedule this meeting and if there is anything I can do to support you.” Without forcing the employee to go into detail, managers can both show flexibility and support when needed.

The Role Of Technology In The Empathetic Workplace

In a presentation at our company’s future of flexible work event, Flex Summit, speaker Sophie Wade reminded attendees that the shift in workplace dynamics and ever-growing need for empathy is largely driven by technology, which speeds up processes and blurs boundaries between work and personal time. Today, companies often feel the need to disrupt themselves to stay relevant. Instead of dealing with linear, predictable work, workers are dealing with more fluid, iterative projects. Wade insists we all need new skills — particularly empathy — to work effectively in this new environment.

And while an empathetic culture should start with those at the executive level, managers and their teams also hold a critical responsibility to promote this way of working. Underscored in all of this is the need for effective collaboration, which starts with employees feeling that they are in safe, accepting environments. Empathy helps us develop and build trust, which is especially essential when dealing with a remote or distributed workforce.

When Extending Support, Be Prepared For What You May Get Back

Once you or your company embraces a more empathetic culture, putting it into practice while keeping things work-appropriate can be a challenge. Showing empathy at work is different from exercising it in your personal life, so it’s essential to know how much to share, how much to ask and where to draw those lines. This form of “professional empathy” ensures that co-workers feel supported, while not invading their privacy. When asking an employee or co-worker how they are feeling, be acutely aware of social queues. Some people may prefer to keep the details to themselves, but others may share significant amounts of detail — perhaps more than you’d expect — so it’s important to be prepared for that as well.

In order to effectively break down traditional workplace barriers and create a happier, healthier and more empathetic company culture, it’s important to find ways to be more transparent about your own life and work experience. At some organizations that already have an existing open culture, the concept of experience-sharing may be enough to increase empathy and support within the work community. For other businesses where this is a newer practice, consider small steps like hosting a culture expert or developing a scale to create a common language. With everything you do in the workplace, bringing your life experience and your truest self to work is always the best way to ensure that you are supporting your teams, your co-workers and the culture overall.

Lisa Walker


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