Cultural Differences in the Workplace

Workplace diversity trainers often mention that there are more similarities among employees than there are differences; however, despite the many common attributes employees share, there still exist cultural differences. Culture is defined as a set of values, practices, traditions or beliefs a group shares, whether due to age, race or ethnicity, religion or gender. Other factors that contribute to workplace diversity and cultural differences in the workplace are differences attributable to work styles, education or disability.

Noting Generational Impact

There are cultural differences attributable to employees’ generations. A diverse workplace includes employees considered traditionalists, baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Millennials. Each generation has distinct characteristics. For example, employees considered baby boomers tend to link their personal identity to their profession or the kind of work they do. Baby boomers are also characterized as being committed, yet unafraid of changing employers when there’s an opportunity for career growth and advancement. Employees considered belonging to Generation Y, on the other hand, also value professional development, but they are tech-savvy, accustomed to diversity and value flexibility in working conditions.

Being Aware of Educational Differences

Differences exist between employees who equate academic credentials with success and employees whose vocational and on-the-job training enabled their career progression. The cultural differences between these two groups may be a source of conflict in some workplace issues when there’s disagreement about theory versus practice in achieving organizational goals. For instance, an employee who believes that a college degree prepared him for managing the processes and techniques of employees in the skilled trades may not be as effective as he thinks when compared to employees with years of practical knowledge and experience.

Impact of One's Personal Background

Where an employee lives or has lived can contribute to cultural differences in the workplace. Many people would agree that there is a distinct difference between the employee from a small town and the employee from a large metropolis. New York, for example, is known for its fast pace and the hectic speed of business transactions. Conversely, an employee from a small, Southern town may not approach her job duties with the same haste as someone who is employed by the same company from a large city where there’s a sense of urgency attached to every job task.


Ethnicity or national origin are often examples of cultural differences in the workplace, particularly where communication, language barriers or the manner in which business is conducted are obviously different. Affinity groups have gained popularity in large organizations or professional associations, such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce or in-house groups whose members are underrepresented ethnicities, such as the Chinese Culture Network at Eli Lilly. The pharmaceutical conglomerate organizes affinity groups to bridge cultural differences and establish productive working relationships within the workplace and throughout its global locations.

by Ruth Mayhew


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