Age-Inclusiveness Is Easier Than You Think: First Steps To Get You Started
When the largest growth of employees is 65 and above, and data consistently report three of four employees have experienced age-discrimination, smart organizations are scrambling to incorporate age-inclusive practices. Those doing so will benefit from larger talent pools, increased innovation and reduced vulnerability to age-related litigation.
The question is, how to do it?
The good news is that highly trained diversity and inclusion subject matter experts who understand the nuances of unconscious age-bias and multigenerational teamwork can uncover systemic issues that open companies up to risk and partner with business leads to execute corrective strategic measures. The next best step is training, according to Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu, a leadership trainer at LifeLabs Learning who specializes in cross-generational dynamics and generational inclusion.
Dr. Sandhu, who has a doctorate in psychology from John F. Kennedy University and has worked as a professor, consultant and clinical psychologist, explains that bias is complex. Asking questions leads to better understanding and motivates companies to respond with more age-inclusive practices.
Sheila Callaham: How would you characterize the benefits and drawbacks of age-homogenous teams/organizations?
Vaneeta Sandhu: As humans, we have similarity bias where we tend to prefer people who remind us of ourselves. Like any homogeneous identity group: we feel more comfortable, we may find it easier to build trust, and people are more likely to agree with us.
The drawbacks are a limitation in perspectives and ideas shared. For example, most organizations have a diverse customer base, so having a diverse workforce will allow organizations to better understand their customer markets. When there is a lack of a diverse workforce, there may be a loss in innovation as there may be less people thinking outside of the box.
What relationship do you see between age diversity and other forms of diversity and oppression?
All forms of oppression exist to legitimize and sustain inequalities between groups. If we think about the power dynamics at play, one group will benefit at the expense of another. A common characteristic of oppressed identities is that privileged groups will have power over oppressed groups. Intersectionality, like other forms of diversity and oppression, is key to understanding age diversity as we find women experience more age discrimination than men.
What I think is unique about age as an identity is that every human will age, whereas every human will not necessarily experience another racial, gender, or class identity. This is what makes age diversity unique is that there is a shared experience amongst all of us.
Talk to me about “intersectionality” and why that has become such a buzzword?
I hate to call it a “buzzword” because usually those are really just great for marketing purposes. The origins of the scholarly term come from a time (1980s) when women of color and other marginalized groups were excluded from the wave of feminism occurring at the time. Its reach has grown since then in part due to our understanding that people may face multiple types of discrimination depending on the multiple identities that they hold. As we have advanced our understanding of identities, and as it has become safer for individuals to share their identities, intersectionality reinforces that humans are complex and influenced by a number of factors. It is clear, then, that just looking at one piece of the puzzle (or one identity), we may institute practices that unintentionally exclude.
What can companies do right now to make their workplaces more age equitable?
One system where workplaces can implement small changes that have a big impact is in the hiring process. Some small things companies can do right now:
Have people of various ages review job ads. For example, instead of asking about years of experience, focus on skills and knowledge.
Consider the age diversity of photos on your site and in marketing materials.
Have diverse interview panels.
Why would it be prudent for companies to take that first step if they haven’t already?
In terms of business, numerous studies demonstrate the high return on investment for diverse workforces. The impact we see is higher retention rates and not just of those who are older, but those who see how the organization treats individuals who are older. We also see increased productivity, performance, and overall commitment to the organization.
I’ve seen several references that claim corporate culture is “code” for permission to discriminate against candidates who don’t “fit the mold” – age included. What’s your take on that?
When we think about what makes up any culture, including corporate culture, it is the norms, expectations, values, beliefs, traditions, and systems that drive it. The challenge that companies run into, and may increase the challenge of hiring for sameness, is they have not spent time behaviorizing their culture; in other words, pivoting to ask the question “what makes our company culture truly unique?”
At LifeLabs, we suggest that instead of hiring for “culture fit” organizations should hire for “culture add” or for the skills, knowledge, and experiences that will stretch the team in a way that will help them meet their goals.
Dr. Vaneeta Sandhu, LifeLabs Learning
These culture add variables will allow companies to specify the values they hold, rather than a vague term of “culture” where bias may creep in.