The Importance Of Character In Leadership
Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz

The Importance Of Character In Leadership

When we talk about leadership development, the focus is often on people skills, communications skills, vision, intelligence, business acumen, even boldness. Yet none of that will make a leader without the foundational leadership quality of good character.

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What makes a superboss super?
Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz

What makes a superboss super?

In this Q&A contributing editor of our Strategy & Leadership journal Brian Leavy, asks leadership guru Prof Finkelstein what it is exactly that makes a superboss ‘super’ and finds out why it really is all about the people when it comes to leadership success.

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Why are there so few women CEOs?
Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz

Why are there so few women CEOs?

Women comprise about 47% of the U.S. workforce, yet they make up barely a quarter of all senior executives at large U.S. public companies. Even worse, only about 5% of Standard & Poor’s 500 companies have female CEOs.

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12 Best Practices for Effectively Managing Remote Teams
Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz Leadership Drew Bartkiewicz

12 Best Practices for Effectively Managing Remote Teams

Virtual teams can be a great resource for business because teams can be comprised of members who have the expertise and talent that may not be available within the organization’s walls, the same city or same time zone. However, effectively managing remote teams can be a challenge for those managing them.

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