A Glimpse into Cigar History
Cigars as we know them now are a fairly recent product but they have actually been around for a very long time and have a fascinating history.
Traditional Tribes of Morocco
As the original inhabitants of Morocco, they are rightly proud of the contributions they’ve made in shaping the country.
American Indians
American Indians played an important role in shaping the history of both Ohio and the nation.
Blackfeet Nation
Blackfeet are descended from tribes known as the Blackfeet (Siksika), Kainah or Bloods, and Piegans, all of Algonquin linguistic stock.
Native Americans in Maryland
Sometimes referred to as nations by Europeans, the largest division of Maryland's indigenous population primarily is defined by language.
The Indigenous Colour of India
What draws India closer to an obscure and indifferent picture are the indigenous tribes. Far from the contemporary trend and economical development, they own their personal identity as Adivasi having their own language, religion, festivals, cuisine, dance and music. With such an enigmatic culture and hospitality they also significantly hold a contrasting patriarchal and matriarchal society.
Native Americans: History and Culture of Florida Tribes
Explore Florida's First People and Their Heritage.
American Indian Tribes in North Carolina
North Carolina has the largest American Indian population east of the Mississippi River and the eighth-largest Indian population in the United States.
Indigenous Tribes of Seattle and Washington
The American Library Association recognizes the Native tribes in Seattle and its greater areas. There are 29 federally recognized tribes throughout Washington.
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Covering 2.3 million acres, the Standing Rock Indian Reservation is the fifth-largest reservation in the United States.
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate
The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate consists of the Sisseton, or People of the Marsh or People of the Fish Village/Peninsula, and the Wahpeton, or People on Lake Traverse or People Among the Leaves/Leaf Shooters.
Cathy Freeman
She became the first Australian Aboriginal person to win an individual Olympic gold medal.
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
The Cheyenne River Indian Reservation was home to many great chiefs, including Big Foot and Touch the Clouds.
Nine recognized tribes in Oregon
There are nine federally recognized tribes with reservation lands in Oregon.
Kalaallit Nunaat
Earlier the indigenous population, the Inuit called their country Inuit Nunaat meaning country of human beings. Today the country is called Kalaallit Nunaat –“Country of the Greenlanders”.
Indigenous peoples' rights in Brazil
There are 896,917 indigenous persons in Brazil, distributed among 305 ethnic groups. The main challenge for indigenous people is the threat that new indigenous territories will no longer be established.
Indigenous Latin America in the Twenty-First Century
A report by the World Bank, Indigenous Latin America in the Twenty-First Century, shines light on the situation of Indigenous Peoples across Latin America. The publication finds that, despite important advances, indigenous communities in the region are disproportionately affected by poverty, and continue to face widespread economic and social exclusion.
Seven things to know about the Circassians — and their struggle
Who are the Circassians — and why are they commemorating their expulsion?