What is Religious Discrimination?


Religious discrimination occurs when an employer treats an applicant or employee unfairly on the basis of their religious beliefs or practices. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VII and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibit religious discrimination in the workplace. 

These laws protect individuals who practice a traditional organized religion such as Christianity or Judaism as well as non-traditional religious beliefs that may be uncommon and only held by a few.  The protections extend to an individual who is married or otherwise associated with a particular religious group or organization.

Here Are The Areas In Which Religious Discrimination Can Occur:

  • Differential treatment in recruiting, hiring, termination, work assignments, promotion or benefits due to an employee's religious beliefs or practices.

  • Harassing an individual based on his or her own religious beliefs (or lack thereof) or of someone with whom the employee associates.

  • Denying accommodations related to an individual's religious beliefs or practices that would not impose a considerable burden on business operations. Examples include: flexible schedules, shift adjustments, leave, dress or grooming practices.

  • Retaliating against an employee or applicant who has reported a religious discrimination complaint.

by Eric Kingsley


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