How To Confront Racism In The Workplace


As a racial revolution roars across the nation, many business leaders are faced with the choice to ride the wave or be left on the wrong side of history. More than ever, it’s essential for company leadership teams to confront racism thoughtfully in the workplace – not just by talking about it but by actively fighting it.

Before going to battle, a vital conversation must occur in the workplace, and business leaders are tasked with identifying and understanding different types of racism. Some of the various forms of racism include internalized racism, which exists within individuals, interpersonal racism, which occurs between individuals, institutional racism, which refers to the cultural practices that spread racial disparity, and structural racism, which creates racialized outcomes even without racist intent. 

To effectively facilitate empowering, thought-provoking, and productive conversations about ending racism, leaders must first take the time to listen. Listen to people who have dealt with these biases – hear what they have to say and what would be supportive in their eyes – then take those findings and put them to action. Another important part of establishing an effective battle plan is addressing internal biases that conflict with personal values. 

“We may not intend to be biased, but sometimes, unbeknownst to us, we are,” said Ms. Chieastre Chigoretti, President of ProtectAllKids. This non-profit organization focuses on sponsoring and promoting financial liberation and generational wealth through creative education. “When someone calls us out, we should be willing to address it instead of being dismissive or defensive. Do not be one of those people with biases toward race while pretending to be ‘colorblind’.”

According to Chieastre Chigoretti, it’s essential to acknowledge that there’s a significant disparity reflected in employment, political power, criminal justice, income, housing, healthcare, education, and generational wealth in white communities when compared to black communities. 

Once leaders have determined any underlying prejudices, they should openly discuss the solutions. Companies can take the first step by increasing the number of qualified and experienced Black workers in senior roles.

“Leaders should focus on implementing the proposed solution,” said Chieastre Chigoretti. “Don’t simply feel sorry for black people, support them. Company leaders can start by filling at least 25 percent of leadership positions with competent employees from underserved groups. If you don’t have the platform or political power to implement quick changes, you can engage in activities that make a difference over time.”

It isn’t up to leaders alone to hatch a plan; there are many established charities and civil rights groups with missions that align with meaningful solutions. Encouraging employees to engage in simple acts like shopping from black-owned businesses can also go a long way. 

Below are seven actionable ways that Chieastre Chigoretti recommended, business leaders can encourage anti-racist actions in the workplace:

1. Speak up whenever you witness blatant cases of inequality like a significant racial pay gap.

2. Don’t become part of the problem through silent complicity. Exercise moral responsibility to protect everyone’s human rights, regardless of racial background, by applying pressure for perpetrators to be held accountable in all cases of racism and other human rights violations.

3. Initiate or promote initiatives that support and sponsor creative education for marginalized groups.

4. Donate time, funds, or resources to charities that promote talent development amongst underprivileged students, new graduates, and young American pioneers.  

5. Support novel business ideas, encourage new talents to perfect their craft, and preorder items from new trustworthy businesses to have available funds to fulfill purchase orders.

6. Support historically black colleges and universities in addition to minority-owned companies. 

7. Reinvest in the community – be willing to share success tips, in-person or online, without monetizing your online webinars. Uplift and motivate fellow Americans.


While these are just a few examples of simple solutions for taking a stand and joining the fight against racism, it’s essential to realize that this isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation. To overcome social injustice, especially in the workplace, companies must continue to seek solutions for years to come.

Benjamin Laker


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