When speaking up about racism at work comes at a personal cost

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When actor Shareena Clanton reported allegations of racism she experienced while working on Neighbours, she wanted something to be done to stop it.

But after calling out the behaviour on set, the Wongatha/Yamatji, Noongar/Gitja woman said she was told by HR they didn’t know what to do.

After taking to social media to share her experiences, Shareena says she faced retaliation online that left her feeling "ostracised and further marginalised".

So how do you deal with something as insidious as workplace racism when the stakes are so high? And whose responsibility is it to raise the issue?

We spoke to people who have been in this position, as well as the experts for their advice.

For Layla, it was daily hair-touching

As a black woman working in banking and finance, Layla* says she experiences microaggressions — racial discrimination that manifests in small and apparently unintended ways — at work about once a week.

But the Melburnian says one particular act really gets to her.

"This woman I work with would do this thing where she'd approach me and just touch my hair," Layla says.

For a while, Layla says she would react by "obviously grimacing", laughing and walking away.

“Then I started avoiding certain situations and places where I'd bump into her, which made me uncomfortable too, but if I didn't do that, I felt constantly uncomfortable and on the lookout for her."

So, one day, she raised it with her colleague.

Layla decided to confront the person. It didn't go how she hoped

"I said to her: 'I really don't appreciate you approaching me every day and touching my hair, it's really, really gross behaviour.'"

Layla says she ended up being called into a meeting with HR after this interaction — but not to speak about her experience of being touched without her consent.

"She told HR I was bullying her," Layla says.

For Layla, the fact other people were in the room when she tried to defend herself was what diffused the situation: they were able to support her version of events to HR.

"If I didn't have witnesses, who would they have listened to?"

Layla says she was singled out by a colleague who repeatedly touched her hair without her consent because of its texture. (Supplied)

Layla says she was singled out by a colleague who repeatedly touched her hair without her consent because of its texture. (Supplied)

How can you go about dealing with a microaggression?

Kathomi Gatwiri, a senior social work academic at Southern Cross University and psychotherapist, suggests using a technique she calls "wilful ignorance" to address microaggressions like this one in the moment.

"This is asking the other person to explain their comments [or actions] by pretending you didn't understand them the first time," Dr Gatwiri says.

If someone makes an offensive joke, for example, she suggests responding: "I don't get it. Please could you explain it to me?"

"This forces the person making the joke to think about their words while trying to explain the joke behind the comment," she says.

And then there's dealing with the aftermath.

Tandi Kuwana, a mental health nurse, multicultural mental health consultant and associate lecturer at Curtin University, says reactions like the one Layla experienced are common.

This is why she suggests writing any incidents down "the moment you start to experience these behaviours and it affects you".

Ms Kuwana says this would involve noting the specifics of what happened, what was said, when and where, including the names of others there.

Before you make a decision on taking things further, Ms Kuwana recommends checking in with your mental health.

"If any of these conversations are affecting you, most employers have employee assistance programs, so we can start there.

"And once you've looked after your mental health, you'll be more likely to feel like you have the capacity to handle these incidents further and maybe take this information to your manager."

Why some people choose not to report

Layla's still at the same job. She knows she could report incidents of racism, but it's never felt like an option for her.

"I know the people who work in HR, and no-one looks like me, and I feel like I'd have to defend myself and what I've gone through, but that it would just end up brushed under the rug anyway," she says.

This is how Veronica* felt when she started experiencing microaggressions at work.

Veronica got her first job in the early childhood learning industry around the time COVID-related panic started spreading last year.

Veronica says she remembers feeling targeted at work as a Chinese person: "Everyone would talk about coronavirus in the staffroom and they'd blame China and the Chinese government [for coronavirus] while I was in the room."

But then came the kicker: "We were in the staff room another day having lunch and someone brought up contact tracing and said a COVID case had been to places like Garden City and Sunnybank.

"And then this other person in the room just turned around and asked: 'Do you have coronavirus? Have you been there lately?' And when I said I hadn't, she said, 'Well, I think you should go and get tested.'

"Her reasoning was that I must go to Sunnybank a lot…"

For the uninitiated, Sunnybank is a Brisbane suburb with a high population of Asian residents.

Veronica doesn't live there.

"I felt weird [about the comment] because it was because of my ethnicity," Veronica says.

She didn't report what happened, because she was worried about it impacting her reputation. And like Layla, she didn’t think much would come of it.

"I feel like [management] would think it was just a small conversation over lunchtime," she says.

In the end, Veronica decided the best thing for her would be to move jobs.

Speaking up can be complicated. So when should you?

Sharon Orapeleng, a mental health professional and cross-cultural consultant, says workplaces in Australia have a legal responsibility to protect employees from harm, which includes psychological harm.

"So, if you [report an incident that happened in your workplace and] nothing gets resolved, you can raise it with the Human Rights Commission or Fair Work Commission," she explains.

Despite this, there will still be people like Layla and Veronica who don't feel like they can do this.

To Dr Gatwiri, this makes sense. She says self-preservation is a really important thing to consider if you don't feel like organisational support is guaranteed.

"Sometimes reporting an incident might attract more lateral violence, bullying and racism," she says.

But if you want to, when should you?

"You must really understand the nature of your workplace's culture before you decide to report incidents of racial microaggressions, so you aren't racially gaslit in the process," Dr Gatwiri says.

"Self-caring sometimes means divesting from the structures and the systems that cause you harm. This looks different to every person."

Whose job is it to report racism?

Layla and Veronica walked this road alone.

Dr Gatwiri, Ms Orapeleng and Ms Kuwana say they shouldn't have had to: each believe it's not just up to the marginalised to respond to racially motivated incidents at work.

Ms Orapeleng says every employee "must be aware of unacceptable behaviours in the workplace and how to report such incidents and pathways to support".

But this won't necessarily happen organically, she says: "Workplaces should ensure staff attend cultural diversity training that addresses issues of racism, microaggressions, unconscious racial biases and discrimination as part of an overall diversity and inclusion policy."

Once that's happened, Ms Orapeleng believes the first step bystanders should take if they see a microaggression play out is to offer support to the person who experienced it.

"Give them support and information about who they can speak to, [as well as] where they can report," she says.

Dr Gatwiri explains why doing this is important: "The insidiousness of microaggressions is in its subtleness.

"Letting the other person know that you saw what happened affirms their experience and helps them stop second-guessing themselves.

"If you are in a position of leadership or power, you can let the perpetrator know that kind of behaviour harms their colleagues.

"This takes away the burden from the person experiencing it."

*Names have been changed for privacy reasons.

By Yasmin Jeffery


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