Why Employers Favor Men
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

Why Employers Favor Men

Why are women discriminated against in hiring decisions? Research by Katherine Coffman, Christine Exley, and Muriel Niederle finds the answer is more subtle than expected.

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Why Employers Favor Men
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

Why Employers Favor Men

Why are women discriminated against in hiring decisions? Research by Katherine Coffman, Christine Exley, and Muriel Niederle finds the answer is more subtle than expected.

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Beyond The Binary
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

Beyond The Binary

Here’s what it means to move beyond the binary, with actionable tips on how you can create an inclusive workplace immediately and in your training resources.

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Beyond The Binary
Gender Drew Bartkiewicz Gender Drew Bartkiewicz

Beyond The Binary

Here’s what it means to move beyond the binary, with actionable tips on how you can create an inclusive workplace immediately and in your training resources.

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