3 Reasons Why Age Diversity in the Workplace is Important

Workplace diversity is a hot industry topic these days for employers, but much of the discussion tends to focus on adding diversity through gender and ethnicity. While this type of workplace diversification is extremely important, age diversity is another equally important piece of the story.


Here are 3 reasons why age diversity in the workplace is so important:

#1 – Age diversity improves performance and productivity

Research shows that age diversity in the workplace can improve organizational performance. Studies also show that productivity in both older and younger workers is higher in companies with mixed-age work teams. And age diversity within work teams is positively related to performance when groups are involved in complex decision-making tasks.

#2 – Age diversity can help reduce employee turnover

One big perk of improved performance and productivity is less employee turnover. It’s also reported that workers who are 55 and older can contribute to lower turnover, as they are loyal workers who typically stay in their jobs longer than younger employees. For employers, they gain lower turnover costs and more skilled, experienced employees.

#3 – Age diversity drives innovation

Age diversity in the workplace brings about different experiences, expectations, styles, and perspectives. All these differences can become a source of strength and innovation when addressed and managed the right way. Bottom line – the most diverse organizations are usually the most innovative.

Embracing Age – and Supplier – Diversity

In addition to embracing age diversity in the workplace, A.R. Mazzotta also embraces the power of supplier diversity in our industry. Today, more companies are looking to partner with small or minority-owned businesses like ours in an effort to gain benefits and build stronger communities.

by A.R. Mazzotta 


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